How is content shaping culture in the middle east?

At the heart of every communication there’s a need to entice, educate and engage people with brand new information. This article discusses the integral part content plays in moulding culture in the Middle East

Sector Challenges

With complex, fast-growing economies and significant investment over recent decades, Middle Eastern countries have seen growth across a host of new sectors.

Although the region has historically been known for oil, now the spotlight is moving to areas like culture and tourism. In Saudi Arabia in 2017 alone, the newly launched General Entertainment Authority put on over 2,000 events, pledging to commit over $64 billion to arts, culture and tourism in the next 10 years. And that’s just one area in the Middle East!

The challenge is communicating the diversity that travel in the Middle East offers to an international audience that’s unfamiliar with the region’s culture and customs. As Day Translations mentioned in their article Doing Business in the Middle East, understanding a little about the culture before visiting can make your travel much more rewarding. And that’s where Nucco Brain stepped in, helping to communicate some of the socioeconomic and cultural developments over the past three years.

A Journey Through History

The Middle East is a fantastic melting pot of cultures, religions and ethnicities. Each has its own history and story to tell, and a special approach is needed to do this effectively while educating audiences from around the globe.

Take the Lost City of Wubar in Oman. This important archaeological site uncovers an ancient oasis in the middle of the desert, giving visitors a true sense of the history and culture of the country. So how do you transport people there, giving them a visceral sense of ancient Oman? To powerfully capture imagination we created an animated narrative journeying through ancient times to the present day, offering an immersive experience in an expansive 15-metre space in the Wubar Information Centre.

Tourism In Abu Dhabi

Go on other well-trodden paths like Europe for your travels, and you’ll find a raft of resources guiding you on what to see and do. Not so much for the Middle East. So how do you get across all the region has to offer in an informative, engaging, bite-sized form?

We collaborated with Leo Burnett Dubai and Abu Dhabi Culture to explore the best ways to do just that. With so much ground to cover in terms of communicating all there is to see and discover, Abu Dhabi Culture wanted to push people to their new digital offering. Through their website, app, social media channels and podcasts audiences can learn about the area and plan their trip. To get this across in an unforgettable way, we developed an animation that took viewers through their digital platforms to give them the know how to start their own planning.

Bolstering Business In The Region

Outside investment has created a booming business economy in the Middle East. But this comes with its own set of rules and regulations for international businesses to take on board. Perfect example – the new VAT and Excise Taxes being implemented in the Middle East.

Being up to speed with this latest development is more than essential for companies operating in the region, so Deloitte & Touche and Nucco Brain looked at ways of communicating this to a business audience. Like most tax systems, the intricacies could make it a lengthy process to explain. We condensed this into impactful infographics and videos to guide Deloitte’s pitching, training and education sessions with clients.

Business, culture, tourism – whatever the sector the Middle East is one exciting area with big ambitions. And at the heart of every communication there’s a need to entice, educate and engage people with brand new information. By doing things a little differently, we’ve been able to do just that.

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